About Me

Hi! My name is Ann. I got my BA and teaching credential here at Cal Poly. I have been in this master's program for four quarters. This is my third year teaching first grade in South Pasadena Unified District. I enjoy baking and playing outdoor racket sports.

I am comfortable with using technology but I am not tech savvy.  I have taken a few courses this past year and I learned how to use ibooks, soft chalk and other Apps on the iPad which I incorporated into the classroom for teaching. I like computers and technology but I dislike the internet connections failure and problems that come with it but that is all technology.

I entered EMM program  because I feel that I am not very tech savvy and I want to improve. Now that Common Core is being implemented in the schools I feel that I need to be more educated in use of technology in my classroom. My goal is to be able to learn useful tools and programs to implement into the classroom and be a proactive educator. I also want to keep up to date with the technology.


  1. I think a lot of people's frustration with computers is their unpredictability. I sometimes think computers really do have a mind of their own. However, it is great that you are able to take what you have learned and already applied in the "real world" with your students.

  2. Hi Ann,
    I agree that we need to stay tech savvy as teachers. I find that even though I'm in this program and trying to keep up with the tech stuff, there is always so much that I don't know! I do enjoy using iPads with the first graders to use explain Everything, iMovie, etc. Most people don't think first graders can do these things, but we know differently, huh?
    See you soon

  3. I am also trying to use my iPad in the classroom because there are a lot of really great apps to use for education. Taking the time to learn them can be difficult but some of them are so great that it is worth it. You're right, with common core coming it is important to really allow the students to also start exploring technology as it is a major focus of the new standards. Some of the other apps that I use that are good are ShowMe, Socrative Teacher and Khan Academy, although I think the latter might be too advanced for 1st grade.

  4. Hi Ann,

    I, too have incorporated ipads into my curriculum with first graders. There are so many things I've heard you can do with it, but for now it seems as though my students are working with ebooks and educational apps. Socrative is a fun activity to do with the kids, too, but for now I can only do it with small groups. I would like to incorporate imovie with the kids this year. Maybe Lenora can teach us a few things to start out with.
